Conference to Train Musical Instrument Luthiers
Announcing Conference 2015 for Teacher Training
July 1 to 31, 2015, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Conference details
COURSE In 2015 we initiate the first conference in
Latin America dedicated to training teachers for courses that prepare luthiers of musical instruments,
which will result in increased interest in musical instrument study,
purchases, and the regular maintenance of pianos and all
FUND José Andrés Vera Pino Memorial Fund for Scientific and Artistic Studies
Multilingual Glossary We are creating a glossary of technical terms for all musical instrument repair with cross references from multiple languages and dialects. This will help technicians throughout the world communicate their needs in ordering parts and tools, and facilitate professional development.
Conference 2015 for Teachers of Luthier Courses July 1 to 31, 2015 Guayaquil, Ecuador
Course for Luthiers of Musical Instruments
Musical culture in Latin America requires targeted efforts to
maintain itself. Unfortunately for such talented nations, we
have maintained the standards so high that few homes now have
musical instruments, there are few music teachers, and fewer
luthiers for musical instrument repair, maintenance, and tuning.
This has resulted also has resulted in a lack of musicians and music
stores, and limited sales.
This is not "just a course", it is an opportunity to strengthen
the entire infrastructure: performance, acquisitions, cultural
continuity, artistic development and diversity, sales, and the
involvement of more individuals and private and public institutions.
It is not a matter of one thing, person or institution, but the
development of a "whole" to strengthen the culture and the artists.
Example from one of the countries - In Ecuador there is no industry for instruments and musical equipment. Instruments, equipment, computers... everything the industry requires, involves purchasing items not manufactured in Ecuador. There is handicraft production, but is not sufficient in quality and quantity to supply the entire market. (Eric Villegas, productor de música, Ecuador "El Comercio" 13 marzo 15). Solution. Create courses that teach Ecuadorians to produce and maintain instruments, equipment ... everything the music production industry in Ecuador needs in quality and quantity to be self-sufficient in providing for the entire market.
Participants in the conference need support for
costs of registration, travel, tools, and parts.
The institution also incurs expenses to create the infrastructure to
support the courses that will result.
Then you will be redirected to The heading on each page is Cantos Para Todos. Your payment is to Cantos Para Todos
Jorge Luis Correa
Xiomara Briones Lucas
Roy E Howard, Ph.D.
call Dr. Howard - 316 207 6704
Technical Seminar for Teachers, Students, Musicians,
and Families
Seminari of 12 to 24 hours. Author: Dr. Roy E. Howard, Ph.D.,
Piano Tuner/technician. Presentations by Howard &Vera Pianos
and the teachers and students of the intensive course, to explore
the possibilities. Basic orientation for musicians in piano
construction, principles of tuning, repair, and regulation. The
orientation includes useful web pages.
Technical Orientation for Teachers, Students,
Musicians and Families
Option B 3 to 6 hours - examples to suggest the possibilities
Author Dr. Roy E. Howard, Ph.D., Piano Tuner/technician
Basic orientation for musicians in piano construction, principles
of tuning, repair, and regulation. Demonstration includes the
tuning of a piano. The orientation includes useful web pages.
Workshop for Traditional Musical Instrument Makers
are located in traditional communities such as Otavalo where
artisans currently live and support their families with this trade
and will benefit by formal instruction and organized
Autor Dr. Roy E. Howard, Ph.D., Piano Tuner/technician; Schuberth
Ganchoso, Ethnomusicologist/builder
Principles and practice of manufacture, tuning, repair, and
regulation. History, Philosophy, Paradigms, business, marketing.
Specialties: Stringed instruments like guitarra, charango, violín,
etc.; Winds like quena, sampoya, rondador, etc; Percussion like
bombo, marimba, maracas, etc.
José Andrés Vera Pino Memorial Fund for Scientific and Artistic Studies
To advance the care of musical instruments damaged in the
tropics by humidity and infestations by implementing scientific
study, prevention, and restoration.
The fund is named for the
youngest member of the first group of students, who died Easter
Sunday, 2013 at the age of 17. He is remembered as a dancer,
choreographer, musician, missionary, teacher, friend, and a
specialist in the treatment of pianos damaged in tropical regions
by humidity and infestations by rodents, insects, rust, mold,
mildew and other flora and fauna.
Donations will be targeted for musical instrument care
in tropical regions:
•Scientific studies of the effects of humidity
Collect and analyze data on every piano in the tropics by
installing humidistats and keeping records
Collect and analyze specimens of insects, rodents, reptiles,
amphibians, mold, mildew, and any flora/fauna that affect the
maintenance of musical instruments
•Artistic interpretations to help inform about the environmental
effects on musical instruments
Compositions, choreographies, visual arts, theater, and
multimedia renditions
Performances, expositions, presentations, conferences, courses,
•Tools, devices, services, supplies, parts for study, prevention,
and restoration of musical instruments damaged by humidity and/or
Importation of woods, chemicals, technologies, products, etc.
Local manufacture and acquisitions (priority)
Instructors, trainers, mentors, presenters (salaries, fees,
travel, etc.)
Rent, utilities, administrative costs
Conferences, workshops, courses, web sites, instructional
Student fees and expenses, scholarships
Informing the the public, the musicians, teachers, students,
and families
•Prevention, Maintenance, Restoration of every piano in the tropics
using the lessons learned by the scientific study of the
environmental impacts on musical instruments in the tropics
Installation of humidity control systems in every piano and
procedures/devices to protect each instrument
Cleaning and extermination services
Restoration of cabinetry and specialized woods and metals
Rebuilding with technical support to ensure proper tuning and