The purpose of these courses: that each country be independent in repairing, maintaining, and even manufacturing musical instrumentos. The need is exemplified in this example: "In Ecuador there is no manufacture of musical instrumentos or equipment. Instruments, equipments, computers... everything that the industry needs comes from other countries. The quality and quantity produced by artisans does not meet the needs of the market” (Eric Villegas, music producer, Ecuador "El Comercio" 13 marzo 15).
Solution Create courses that teach Ecuadorians to produce and maintain instruments and equipment... everything that musical production in Ecuador needs in the quality and quantity sufficient to independently meet the market needs.
Ab. Jorge Luis Correa O.
During "Conferencia 2015 Formación de Maestros", we are willing to share with the musicians, music teachers, students and families to demonstrate what they should know about the maintenance of their musical instruments. We are also willing to repair/tune/restore your musical instruments as part of our course. What you pay for this service will make it possible to include more of the local technicians and to bring distinguished teachers to the task. See "Seminario" or "Orientación".
Seminario Técnico de Piano for Teachers, Musicians, Students and Families
This 12 to 24 hours Seminar is presented in your facility. Please indicate in your email the desired location and provide the piano that will be tuned and repaired in the demonstration. $200 per day.
Orientación Técnica de Piano for Teachers, Musicians, Students and Families
This 3 to 6 hour orientation is presented in your facility. Please indicate in your email the desired location and provide the piano that will be tuned and repaired in the demonstration. $200
Taller Luthiers de Instrumentos de Música Tradicionales
This courses is conducted in traditional communities (like Otavalo) where the artisans who make a living making instruments might benefit from formal instruction and collaboration with others. Specialities: Strings such as guitarra, charango, violín, etc.; Wind instruments such as quena, sampoña, rondador, etc; Percussion instruments such as bombo, marimba, maracas, etc. $200 al día.
A few of the places where we have offered similar workshops:
UESS, ITAE, Museo Julio Jaramillo
Conservatorio Superior Nacional de Música-Ecuador
Orquesta Sinfónica de Guayaquil, Conservatorio Particular Manzano
Conservatorio Nacional Antonio Neumane
We can consult with professional courses
Curso Luthiers de Instrumentos Musicales
Specialites: Piano; Strings such as guitar, violin, etc.; Wind instruments such as
clarinette, trompet, etc.
Carrera Luthiers de Instrumentos Musicales
Curriculum design offered for the establishment of courses in the national educational system
Costs are listed in US dollars (the currency of Ecuador).
4 weeks with various teachers. See the details for more information, dates and locations. The registration fee varies according to the date of your payment - 1 July $550 | Cost to register on a daily basis ($50 al día, 23 días = $1150)
2 weeks with Dr. Howard
Pedagogy, lesson planning, accreditation issues, aural tuning and stability, repairing, renovating, moving pianos, humidity control, termite control, etc. Days - 1 to 2 and 8 to 24 July. Registration fee for 15 days varies by date of registration - 1 July $325 | 13 July $400 | Daily registration fee ($50, 13 days = $670)
Concert prep with Kurt Ford, RPT
4 days + 1 day Electronic Tuning Device (ETD). 3 to 6 July. Registration fee for 5 days varies by date of registration - 1 July $200 | 6 July $220 | Cost to register each day ($50 per day, 5 days = $250
One day Electronic Tuning Device (ETD). 7 July. $50
In the Piano Rebuilding Shop with Paco Morales, RPT
5 days 27 to 31 July Registration fee for 5 days varies by date of registration - 1 July $200 | 27 July $220 | Cost to register each day ($50 per day), 5 days = $250
Personal Mentor
One day with a personal mentor in your shop, with your clients, or tuning or another specialty $50 per day. Teachers and days available - Dr. Howard June 17 to 30 and August 4 to 14; Mark Cerisano, RPT July 27 to 31 Also teaching tool making.
Manufacture with Profesor Schubert Ganchozo, APPROPRIATE MUSICAL TECHNOLOGY: BAMBOO INSTRUMENTO. The "CRUZ GUANCAVILCA" of Ecuatorian historical tradition becomes the driving force in the design and construction of musical instruments made of native materials. One session - 10 July, 8:30am to 12:30pm. $5 suggested donation. All conference participants will attend.
Wind instrument repair with Alipio Guinaldo and Manuel Martín
Flight and housing.
La Orquesta Sinfónica de Guayaquil,
4 weeks 1 to 31 de July. - Cost varies according to the date of payment - 1 July $550 | Daily registration fee ($50 per day, 23 days= $1150)
You can attend 4 weeks for brass instrument repair only in the mornings. Payment dates - 1 July $325 | Cost to register daily ($50, 10 days = $500)
You can attend 4 weeks woodwind instrument repair only in the afternoon. Payment dates - 1 July $325 | Cost to register daily ($50, 10 days = $500)
Sharing a hotel room is more economical. Please indicate your preferences.
Please let us know your itinerary so we can greet you at the airport and take you to your lodging.
Other possible costs will be included in your statement -
Hotel. Please indicate your preferences and special needs.
Food. We will publish a plan for each day according to the location and the possibilities. Please indicate your preferences or special needs (diet, housing, travel, wheel chair, blind, translator, etc.)
Transportation. We have contracted with a firm to pick you up at the airport and daily as needed to classes. Please indicate your preferences and special needs.
Tourism. We will have suggestions and opportunities to visit Ecuador together. Please indicate your preferences and special needs.
Tools. We will have tools and parts for sale. You are welcome to bring anything you might like to sell.
Teaching and learning materials. You will be notified of any additional costs for manuals or tool kits needed for your particular choice of courses.
With the secure pay button «Pay Now» you can pay with a card.
Please confirm the amount of your payment with Dr. Howard before paying
La Conferencia 2015 en Ecuador has the backing of various national and international entities
El Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural de Ecuador
Asociación Mundial de Luthiers, Accreditation
Al Compás, Música y Papeles de Guayaquil, Location to leave your musical instruments for repair
Los Jaguares del Desierto, Centro Musical de Negocios Capacitando en las Artes con Integración de Equipos Comprensivos
Mr. Tuner Piano Technician's School, International courses based from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Academia Musical La Nota